Love, Love Me Do
Submitted by zytka on Sat, 01/08/2005 - 6:12pm. Wisdom
"I think I go with 'god' and 'baby' and 'yes' kind of stuff, rather than actual names, you know?"
"That's certainly safest, isn't it? I mean you don't want to be gasping out 'Oh, BLUTO!' when you're with Popeye, know what I mean?"
— two women speaking about sex (Miami, FL)
Birds of a feather
Submitted by zytka on Fri, 01/07/2005 - 12:40am. Funny
"Well, yeah...he's kind of goofy."
"What do you mean goofy? Define 'goofy.'"
"You know, pratfalls and bad jokes and silliness. I don't know...just a goofy sense of humor."
"Gimme an example — who do we both know who's goofy."
"Huh. Ummmm....Oh! Well, actually, you are sometimes. Like the time we went to that Ethiopian restaurant."
"So what you're saying is that your brother is cool."
— a girl trying to describe her brother to a guy friend (Emeryville, CA)
Election night
Submitted by zytka on Tue, 11/02/2004 - 7:36pm. Wisdom
"Florida, do not suck."
"You sucked enough last time."
"No shit. They owe us, damn it."
"You sucked last time and God smote you with hurricanes. Take a hint."
— three women watching the election results (Berkeley, CA)
It's a marshmallow world
Submitted by zytka on Wed, 10/20/2004 - 4:40pm. Beautiful
"I don't need to be more careful; the ground just needs to be softer."
"Except that you seem to run into a lot of trees."
"They need to be softer too."
— my sports-injury-prone friend - currently on crutches with a broken pelvis and backbone - and me on our way back from lunch (Emeryville, CA)
Eat me! Drink me!
Submitted by zytka on Wed, 10/20/2004 - 3:53pm. Funny
"Wow! You got taller!"
"I'm wearing heels. They'll do that."
"Oh. Well, I thought that was a lot to grow at your age."
— two co-workers greeting each other (Emeryville, CA)
Anty Em
Submitted by zytka on Sat, 08/21/2004 - 3:04am. Beautiful
"I was half a pray mantis? I'm not sure I want to know what you really think of me."
"Yeah, but don't be offended. Everyone else was half bug too. Except for my aunt."
"Your aunt."
"Yeah...I never realized until this morning what bad puns my brain makes when I sleep."
— a guy telling a girl about his dream the night before (Emeryville, CA)
While you were out
Submitted by zytka on Sat, 08/21/2004 - 2:43am. Graffiti
"general hospital is still on the air,
sharon osbourne has a talk show,
and race walking is an olympic event.

unemployment is both educational and fascinating."
— printout of an email posted on an office door (Alameda, CA)
Extra hot sauce, please.
Submitted by zytka on Sat, 08/21/2004 - 2:26am. Beautiful
"You aren't getting the hot sauce? You wimp!"
"And you are?"
"Of course."
"What are you getting?"
"The lunch combo."
"Would you like some flames painted on that tricycle?"
— a girl and a guy goading each other into larger orders at Doug's BBQ (Emeryville, CA)
Front to back
Submitted by zytka on Sun, 08/15/2004 - 3:03am. Bizarre
"He has no lap."
"How can he not have a lap? He has a butt."
"The butt is not the lap. The lap is the opposite of the butt."
"No it's not. Not really."
"Yes...yes it is. It's a frontal butt."
— two women apparently discussing Muppets and their lack of laps (Oakland, CA)
Simple things
Submitted by zytka on Sun, 08/15/2004 - 2:40am. Wisdom
"Breathe up, not out."
— Renaissance Faire merchant to a woman she was lacing into a tight bodice (Novato, CA)