Submitted by ncn on Wed, 12/10/2003 - 12:35pm. News
any buddy got i.m. email me at nickynack@cox.net
Second Coming
Submitted by Hunter on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 10:39pm. News
"JESUS HAS ALREADY RETURNED! (607) *** - ****"

Sign posted on a light pole near the Ithaca Booksale last week.

FYI--Jesus is apparently alive and well and living in upstate New York. I would have thought he'd choose to come back in a warmer place...maybe one that sees the sun for more than three months out of the year.
Ok...First post and Econ quotes
Submitted by laurenlnh on Tue, 10/14/2003 - 9:15am. News
Ok...so this is my first post. The next few posts are going to be me catching up with quotes I've written down but not done anything with.
I'm a big quote junkie; Inpassing is right up my alley.
So here goes. Starting with my econ class.

"We all end up with snicker's bars and no teeth" Gottheil 8-27
"I know a guy that can keep his head underwater for 12 minutes. And that's a big deal." Gottheil 8-27
"So you went to get some SARS" TA 8-29
"You want to grab the kid and hug the kid but then you'd get arrested." Gottheil 9-3
"I just gave you the history of 1930's Russia" Gottheil 9-8
"This girls works in the computer lab...and this guy is in jail." Gottheil 9-8
"What's the point of this story? I'm not quite sure." Gottheil 9-10
"I just don't want to be in a lifeboat with other people to bother me." Gottheil 9-15
"Your (dating) market has expanded considerably because of the internet" Gottheil 9-15
"You spit out little toes..." Gottheil 9-17 about chicken feet soup
"When you don't plan a lecture, this is what happens." Gottheil 9-17
"She was hit by a truck. This lecture is not going where I want it to go." Gottheil 9-24
"So I say Dummy! (which is what I call my wife, affectionately)" Gottheil 9-24
"When to produce and when not to produce. I feel like Shakespeare. To be or not to be." TA 10-3
Welcome to the new and improved In Passing!
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/29/2003 - 3:04pm. News
See, I keep my promises. Sometimes I wait until everyone's forgotten precisely what I promised, or that I promised anything at all, but I keep them, nevertheless.

Wait, what I meant to say was, welcome to the new and improved In Passing!

This feature upgrade was more than partially precipitated by the discovery of Drupal, a very full featured content management system with all of the features In Passing needed. Drupal is open source, and best of all, it's already written, which frees the In Passing team (and I say "team" because I couldn't have done any of this without Benjy's mad tech skills) to focus on content (my real job around here) rather than worry about how broken the site was.

In Passing is up, but what you can see right now barely scratches the surface of what Drupal will allow us to do in the future. Before I start getting carried away and claiming people will architect cities around Drupal, let me describe the notable features currently enabled.

Drupal will improve your In Passing experience by allowing you to create user accounts, to ensure that no user can be impersonated in the comments. People who would prefer not to register will still be able to post in the comments, but their comments will appear as an anonymous user.

Furthermore, each user can have his/her own blog on the site, so you can record your very own things heard and seen In Passing. Remember, In Passing is all about chronicling the humor, beauty and utter strangeness of the world, and your posts should stay true to that theme. There are many other places (blogspot, livejournal, etc) to go if you would like free hosting for a more traditional blog about your life. The content of the blog entries will be the property of the original poster.

Finally, the site is still in a transitory state, so if you find anything wrong, drop me an email and wait a few days and hopefully everything will be straightened out and running smoothly in a week or so.

Go, register, blog! Have fun!
28 September 2003
Submitted by eve on Sun, 09/28/2003 - 12:36pm. News
I'm going to be upgrading In Passing today, so while that's happening, comments will be disabled. Sit tight, and once the upgrade is done, there will be lots of surprises and twice as many opportunities to share your thoughts.
27 August 2003
Submitted by eve on Wed, 08/27/2003 - 10:52am. News
In Passing's in the news again! I did an email interview with a reporter from the Daily Cal, and the site got a mention in his article about weblogs in Berkeley. Check it out here.

And for those of you interested in checking out other weblogs in Berkeley, I recommend Berkeley Blogs, which is probably the most comprehensive list out there.

3 November 2002
Submitted by eve on Sun, 11/03/2002 - 11:55pm. News
Hello to all the readers from the Melbourne Herald Sun! Ms Amjadali interviewed me last week, and the story went up today. She wrote a great article, (and I don't just say that because of how flattering it is to In Passing. Though that might be a part of it. :-))
14 October 2002
Submitted by eve on Mon, 10/14/2002 - 10:51am. News
Metacookie is dead, long live RSS.

Nothing's changing much, just one link vanishing from the front page here and another one appearing in its place, and presto, a new way to keep up with which of your favorite sites have been updated since you read them last.

I'm in MidtermLand and very busy pulling out my hair, putting eyedrops in my bleary eyes, going fetal at the practice problems, etc, but there's a nice description of what RSS is here.

Thanks to Kevin for the code and Benjy for the implementation.

Right, back to studying now.
14 August 2002
Submitted by eve on Wed, 08/14/2002 - 7:46am. News
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've got strep and I haven't eaten in three days, much less gone out into the world to evesdrop. I'll post the instant I'm better, promise.
12 June 2002
Submitted by eve on Wed, 06/12/2002 - 3:37pm. News
So a lot of folks have been mailing me lately requesting In Passing stuff. Tee-shirts, mousepads, coffeecups, and especially stencils to take to your tattoo artist. Ok, I was kidding about the last one, but people really have been making requests for the others, especially coffee cups, (which seems exceedingly appropriate to me, given the amount of coffee I consume while gathering material for the site.)

Cafe Press is great for this sort of thing. If I provide the content, they'll print it on tee shirts, boxer shorts, gilligan hats, beer mugs, frisbees, etc. And as I understand it, they don't make anything until someone orders it, so it's not like I'd have to invest in 50 tee shirts and then desperately hope that they sold. Plus, I think I'd have the option of making a dollar or two in profit for each item sold, which would be nice to help out with the whole paying for web hosting for this site thing. :-)

The only downside is... I have to provide them with the content. I've got 1002 quotes to choose from (3000 if you count the not-a-guestbook) but there's no way I'm going to make all the fabulous people who buy In Passing tee shirts walk around wearing the current logo. I'm not much of an artist, I made the logo a long time ago and haven't had a better idea for changing it, plus half of the time I read the site using w3m, a text based browser, so I don't see the title .gif anyway.

The community is a huge part of the site, and you'd be the ones buying the stuff anyway, so you should definitely have a say in what goes on it. Right now I'm thinking the items should have the logo small on the front, and a choice quote on the back. So I've got a plan. I'd like you all to choose your favorite quotes from the site and post them as comments on this entry, and feel free to add any discussion about why you like it best, etc.

As for the logo... I'm not an artist. But some of you are. And if some of you would like to share your artistic talent and draw up a logo for In Passing, you'd get credited on the page, lots of cool points from me, and the chance to see your work on a website with a couple of thousand daily visitors, and on t-shirts. If anyone wants to try this, logos should somehow use the words "In Passing," in a legible font, and that's about as far as requirements go from me. Preferably black, white, purple, or some combination thereof. Please mail me a link to a .jpeg (or .gif or .tiff, etc) if you can, or send it to me as an attachement if you can't. I'll pick out my favorites and we can vote on them here.

Sound like fun?