10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/11/2000 - 7:52pm. Wisdom
"Yeah, when I was a kid I always looked at the guys driving the streetcars-- you know, the muni ones, and I thought that was so cool... I totally wanted to be one of them when I grew up, to be the guy who pulled the lever that opened the door.
In retrospect though, I'm glad I'm going to college."
--One 20-something guy to another, waiting to get on BART.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a tightrope walker, a princess, or an author who owned a pony farm.
Why the hell did I major in biomedical engineering? What was I thinking?
Hey, the circus is in town...
31 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/01/2000 - 4:56pm. Wisdom
"I don't think it's possible to trudge sexily."
--A girl speaking very seriously
...which is precisely why Victoria's Secret models are never shown backpacking. (That, and the fact that camping in lingere might be both impractical and cold.)
29 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Tue, 08/29/2000 - 8:32pm. Wisdom
"If I fail, it's not because I didn't try, or because I didn't work hard enough... Sometimes your party just sucks."
--Overheard during the first day of classes

Now there's an inspirational message for college freshmen everywhere.
18 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/24/2000 - 12:38pm. Wisdom
"Life's gotta suck if you're the CEO of 'Tasty Kake' Industries."
--A guy in Safeway supermarket at 1am, staring at the snack foods
I don't know... I'm sure you could make that into SOME kind of feasible pickup line.
"Why, you look pretty yummy, and I should know, I'm the CEO of..."
Ok, yeah, maybe he's right.
11 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 10:56pm. Wisdom
"Ok, ok, this is it... THIS time, I'm going to pass."
"Third time's the charm Fred, not the second."
--Two guys heading into the stat final ahead of me
16 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Sat, 06/17/2000 - 12:11pm. Wisdom
"Tickets for BFD 7: $34.
Crossing off number 7 on your list of bands to see before they O.D. and die: priceless"
--A guy, on seeing the Stone Temple Pilots in concert