26 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 10/26/2000 - 5:57pm. Wisdom
"Oh my god, you've never been to Krispy Kreme donuts? You didn't hear about the time Zach and I went there? God, it was horrible -- the time, not the donuts. See, we got a dozen, because they're cheaper by the dozen, and I ate 3 and I had one milk chug, and Zach ate 6 and had two milk chugs, and I was going to bring the last 3 back for my roommate, but then Zach said he didn't want to bother bringing them to the movie, too.
We get another milk chug, and Zach eats three more, and drinks all the milk and then we're going out to the car and he's like 'ohhh I'm gonna be sick,' and I'm all 'Don't be sick in the parking lot!' and so we get in the car to drive home, and he's really really sick. I mean, he ate like, 9 donuts.
I pulled off the freeway and he runs over to the bushes, and he's there for a while, and then this police officer pulls up behind us, and I swear to god I was dying, because I didn't have my insurance on me. He walks up to the car, and Zach's still over by the bushes, and he says, all official like, 'Have you kids been drinking tonight?'
But then I say, 'No, he just ate 9 Krispy Kreme!' and then he laughed and let us go, and said that in the future, we shouldn't eat more than 6."
--One girl, about 25 years old, to another on Telegraph Ave
24 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Tue, 10/24/2000 - 12:16am. Wisdom
"There's no such thing as breakfast lasagne. It's just plain wrong."
--A guy walking past my window
23 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 10/23/2000 - 12:17am. Wisdom
"What kind of 7-Eleven actually closes at 11? I lived in the suburbs and we had two. No one ever went in them but kids from the high school buying hot dogs at lunch, and they were still both open 24/7. What kind of town is this, anyway? Berkeley should be a college town!"
--A guy ranting to his friends in the Durant Food Court
I agree -- where's the convenience in a convenience store that's not open at 2am on a Sunday when you have a cs project due in 10 hours and you're sleepy, and your eyes feel dry from staring at the monitor, and dear lord you need caffiene more than you need your soul right now, so maybe you'd sell it for some...
Er, I'd better get back to work on that project.
20 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 10/20/2000 - 11:47pm. Wisdom
"You're a procrastinator extraordinaire."
"Well, it sure didn't work last year..."
"Yeah, but you sure were calm about it."
--Two guys in Pimentel Hall before a midterm
Sure, procrastination is bad for the grades, and it's important to study hard and try your best... but at the same time, I think there's something to be said for someone who realizes that a midterm isn't a life or death situation.
16 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Tue, 10/17/2000 - 9:26am. Wisdom
"Ugh, sometimes when you're leaving a midterm and you see those guys from your section who start talking about how hella easy it was, do you just wanna... smack 'em and say "Shut up, bragging-boys!"
--A girl exiting my computer science midterm
9 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 10/09/2000 - 2:02pm. Wisdom
"So what? It's not like you're a sweater and you'll shrink if you get wet."
--A guy on Sproul Plaza to an umbrellaless girl
It's a heavy mist, a light drizzle at most... but it's one of the first rainy days of the season. I sat in the office for a while after class, with the lights out, and just watching the grey outside while I worked.
I don't have an umbrella today. My hair's gone curly. But I don't care... there's something about the start of the rain that makes me feel pensive, or maybe nostalgic.

"It's raining in Berkeley, baby,
But everything else is the same."
6 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 10/06/2000 - 12:56pm. Wisdom
"Oh, you can go dance naked in Mendocino and share all your picnic with the other dancers, but you can't escape capitalism. How'd you get the gas to drive there?"
--A cranky older woman, in Stanley Hall
5 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 10/05/2000 - 7:04pm. Wisdom
"Immigrants often are unwelcome. Especially eucalyptus."
--A guy outside a geography class
5 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 10/05/2000 - 12:18am. Wisdom
"Why not?"
"Well, I'm sure there's not any official rules against bringing a laptop into a bar... it's just ... I don't know."
--Two guys at the gate of the building next door
4 October 2000
Submitted by eve on Wed, 10/04/2000 - 12:34am. Wisdom
"Everything that's produced and sold is to fill a need. Even pet rocks. They... fufill the basic human need... to... spend money on something trendy that they could just as easily find on the ground."
--A woman, recovering quite nicely in justifying the example she'd chosen