18 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 11:35pm. Bizarre
"Yes, I would love you even if you looked like Hamlet. Believe me."
--A woman talking on a cell phone, walking past the Nomad Cafe
Personal taste or fetish?
Submitted by Sewicked on Mon, 11/17/2003 - 12:29pm. Bizarre
"What is it with Asian guys? You really have a fetish!"
-girl exclaiming to another girl, 6 Nov 03
Carrots Can Indeed be blue...
Submitted by lysie on Thu, 11/13/2003 - 9:36am. Bizarre
During church service I lean over and watch as my Best Friend text messeges her friend:

Laura: "I'm bored!"
Jason: "Carrots CAN be blue!"
Laura: "How Jason, How?"
Jason: "Think about it..."
Laura: "thinking..."
I lean over... "Food coloring...its the only way..."
Laura: "Food coloring ? "
Jason: "Food Coloring !"

Yeah...during chruch... *bizzare* or whaaat?
Submitted by spyderqueen on Thu, 11/06/2003 - 3:11pm. Bizarre
"How can someone not appreciate the glory that is a stuffed slug made entirely out of dryer lint?"
--This is the line that let my sister guess exactly who I was talking to...
Submitted by Jon on Thu, 11/06/2003 - 9:56am. Bizarre
"...sounds like giant buzzing insects..."
- A friend of mine at work yesterday

I had to ask him what the deal was. Apparently, if you have headphones turned to a low volume, they can sound like "giant buzzing insects chewing on leaves" to other people in the room. Who knew?
Ring by Spring...
Submitted by starryeyed09 on Tue, 11/04/2003 - 8:58pm. Bizarre
"Bye, I'm going to get married now!"
"Okay, have fun!"
"I will!"
- two girls in Tiki
Time to go home, *now*.
Submitted by Rachel on Tue, 11/04/2003 - 7:42pm. Bizarre
My boss: The year was 1979, and Captain Amazing was being held in a secret cave...
Co-worker: Who put that ship there?

Is it 5 yet?
Scarred for life
Submitted by Valleybug on Fri, 10/31/2003 - 11:24am. Bizarre
"I bet she's just coming so she can show off her penis shaped scar."

A guy to two other guys at the table

~Heard while walking into the common kitchen on my dorm floor.
Spider Socks
Submitted by hessiethegreat on Thu, 10/30/2003 - 5:28pm. Bizarre
"Oh look! I'm wearing spider socks today! Cool!"

--Kim the Drum Major, walking to band this morning

Seen but I'm not sure if I was hallucinating
Submitted by Valleybug on Thu, 10/30/2003 - 3:26am. Bizarre
A girl of about 20 wearing extremely baggy(i'm talking huge) khaki pants with a hawaiin print miniskirt over the top, puffy blue tennis shoes, large fake fur jacket in hot pink, and a scarf in hunters orange, and to top the outfit off a giant red M&M handbag with legs.

~seen on the 82A bus last night. I tried not to stare.