23 September 2001
Submitted by eve on Sat, 09/29/2001 - 11:43am. Tragic
"Can we go to FAO Schwartz?"
"Where is it on the map? Oh... that's almost four blocks away, and I don't know if we'll be able to catch a taxi. When we get the car, I'll take you by Wal Mart on the way home."
--A boy about 8 years old, and his Dad, outside the Powell St BART station
22 September 2001
Submitted by eve on Sat, 09/29/2001 - 10:29am. Tragic
"Wow... there are lots of ugly people in Berkeley."
--A teenage girl at the Downtown Berkeley Association's Guinness and Oyster Festival
11 September 2001
Submitted by eve on Tue, 09/11/2001 - 11:23am. Tragic
"I hate people."
--Me, after waking up this morning and walking out to my living room to see my roommates lined up on the couch, staring horrified at the news on the tv.
Bloody hell, it's like Pearl Harbor and Independence Day and... and...

It was like waking up to a nightmare of an action movie turned reality.

***Update 14 hours later***
I'm not deleting what I wrote earlier, though I'd like to offer a more hopeful message than what I originally spat out, running out the door on my way to classes and work.

I wrote that I hated people, because I couldn't conceive of how a person would choose to harm so many thousands of others. I hated that people were capable of doing such a thing to one another. I couldn't understand how dehumanized "the enemy" would have had to have been, such that the terrorists wouldn't think about the fact that they were killing innocent mothers, fathers, siblings, spouses, friends.

I still can't understand.

The worst part is, I feel this hollow and horrible, and yet I know I was fortunate. I had only one friend who was possibly in peril; she's ok and I am so thankful.

But I know other people haven't been as lucky as I. And I can't get my mind off that. Still, despite the... I can't think of a word besides atrocities, and that seems an understatement... despite the atrocities committed by some people today, there have been other people who were heroes. The firefighters and rescue workers. The father of three who supposedly overpowered the terrorists so that the plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania, and not into another landmark. The people who waited three hours in New York to give blood. The people who are providing support for the grieving. The people who are giving money or time to the Red Cross.

So I sit here, trying to concentrate on my CS homework, checking the news every few minutes, wishing there was more I could do, trying to formulate a plan. Give a little money to the Red Cross. Give blood. Give a hug to someone who's sad. And try not to give up on humanity.

Hate is a quick response, born of shock and incomprehension, and helplessness. It's not the way to go, though. Hate is what made someone decide to kill a lot of people yesterday. John has a good message of caring and hope.
26 August 2001
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/03/2001 - 3:56pm. Tragic
"I'm sure you could find it in the city."
"I'm not so sure, most people in San Francisco don't go for that sort of thing."
"Oh, oops, when I say the city I always mean the real city, Los Angeles."
--Two women talking on Shattuck Ave
Oh. I'm so sorry for you.
9 August 2001
Submitted by eve on Wed, 08/22/2001 - 2:57pm. Tragic
"No, no, you have to tell me what you want a picture of. I can't read your mind. *pause* This is not a game anymore. *long pause* Oh yeah. Yeah, I know exactly what you're looking for, there's a huge collection of exactly that. It's called clip art!"
--A woman shouting into a cell phone at Yali's Cafe
Ah, to be a webdesigner by profession.
2 August 2001
Submitted by eve on Wed, 08/08/2001 - 10:43am. Tragic
"Would you turn your phone off so we can leave?"
"What're you talking about?" *puts cell phone aside*
"The pilot said no cell phones, and now we're just sitting here. They're waitin' on you."
"That's the stupidest thing you've ever said." *Resumes talking on cell phone*
--The guy and girl sitting in front of me on the next flight
28 May 2001
Submitted by eve on Tue, 05/29/2001 - 12:02pm. Tragic
"Oh, you're just going to stay hiding there? All right, that's fine, we'll be back in a few days. While you're there, your mom and I will go get some ice cream, and then we'll go for pony rides. Have fun."
--A man to a small child hiding in a rack of clothing, at Banana Republic
Nothing like giving the kids a little material to talk about with their therapist later on.
28 May 2001
Submitted by eve on Tue, 05/29/2001 - 11:58am. Tragic
"Mommm! Monica's a nice person, and even she was laughing!"
--A teenage girl, apparently dying of mortification of some sort, at the sidewalk fair in Mill Valley
15 May 2001
Submitted by eve on Tue, 05/15/2001 - 11:41pm. Tragic
A moment of silence.

Again, I find it's funny how much you can be touched by someone you've never met. Kaycee brought beauty and dauntless hope into so many people's lives through the words she wrote, and her strength was inspiring.

I am thankful that I was exposed to her courage.

May we all see life as beautifully as she did.

**Update, 22 May 2001**
It would appear that things are not what they seemed. See the comments for my thoughts.
13 May 2001
Submitted by eve on Sun, 05/13/2001 - 2:54pm. Tragic
"I'm looking at her, she's looking at him from across the room, he's totally engrossed in eating brunch. Then he gets to the graham crackers and starts nibbling at them... like a mouse, front teeth only... and once he's notched the crackers, he starts building a little fort or something out of them on his plate. And you could just see her face do this..." *mimicks a facial gesture turning from flirtaciously coy to freaked out*
--A guy telling a story in Crepe de Vine