23 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 09/24/2000 - 4:02pm. Tragic
"Welcome to California love!"
--Two guys shouting from the windows of Cory Hall as folks exiting the concert streamed by
Now, I'm not one to pass judgement on one's choice of Saturday night activies, so I won't comment on their being in an electrical engineering classroom at 11pm.
I will, however, comment on the utter randomnes of what they were hollering. Those wacky engineers.
20 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Wed, 09/20/2000 - 10:51am. Tragic
"Then she gets this really sad look on her face and says, 'I just don't know anymore.'"
"Sorry, that sucks. *microsecond pause* Now my dilemna is, do I want a blueberry bagel... or do I want cinnamon sugar?"
--Two guys in line behind me at Noah's Bagles
Awww, now that's what friends are for.
14 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 09/14/2000 - 6:41pm. Tragic
"I don't know, I just get like this sometimes."
"Ok... you know, there is the market around the corner."
"If you buy, I'll get drunk."
"Well... ok. *sighs* Do you ever feel like our sex life is headed downhill?"
--A girl and a guy at the gate of the building next door to mine
10 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/11/2000 - 7:52pm. Tragic
"No, you don't understand, everybody says they were a geek in high school. But I was so horribly unpopular that after a while, it became 'untrendy' to dislike me, because everyone did."
--A girl at the next table at Cafe Strada
17 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/24/2000 - 12:23pm. Tragic
"It's like Fargo... only even more fucked up. Man, 5 people dead, for $100,000... that's not even a house. And they were going to split it 3 ways, that's only... 33k each. They killed 5 innnocents for the price of a Honda. I hate people."
--A woman overheard downtown, on a recent violent event in the Bay Area.

This is more serious than InPassing usually is... but I felt it was worth including, because I felt similarly about the tragedy.
The worst part is that now one of the alleged killers is trying to sell his story for $400,000.
13 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 11:06pm. Tragic
"Lisa, will you listen to me?! Just because he said he's having a great time out with the guys on vacation doesn't mean he doesn't miss you, or that he's interested in other women."
"Well, you didn't say it was a topless bar..."
--Woman on a cell phone in line for the restroom
27 March 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 07/10/2000 - 4:58pm. Tragic
"How about this one?"
--Girl about 14 years old in Ross, holding up a fuschia handkerchef shirt
"Um... I don't think you're popular enough to wear that shirt."
--Her shopping companion, a girl about the same age
Just in case anyone had forgotten what a horrible, horrible time junior high was.
(This one was overheard during spring break, and I just remembered to add it recently.)
7 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 06/16/2000 - 12:53am. Tragic
"Well, the funniest part is that Bobby tells his wife he's going to the gym to workout, when he's really at my place."
--20ish girl, gossiping while cutting hair

"Really, huh. My Robert's been excercising a lot lately too, guess men want to be more in shape at that age. Look at Tom Cruise here, they all want to be like him."
--40ish woman, not really paying atttention to the conversation, reading a magazine during her haircut.

"SO it sure has been hot lately."
--Hair stylist, breaking speed records for conversation changing
I don't know if they were talking about the same man.
But the look of absolute panic and terror on the stylist's face rivaled anything I've seen in a horror movie.
12 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 06/12/2000 - 6:08pm. Tragic
"I don't know how to say this... but... Karen honey, this just isn't the right way to get promoted."
--Overheard in the fitting room at Victoria's Secret
9 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 06/09/2000 - 11:58pm. Tragic
"At first it was going to be a small ceremony, and we were just inviting family and best friends..."
"But then she starts saying that she's concerned about our future, because I'm not romantic enough. That I never write poems for her, or sweep her off her feet. I say that I love her, and she loves me, and we're happy, right? She says fine, then she wants a fairy tale wedding to make up for the lack of romance in our marriage. We're not even married yet and she wants to rent a white horse to ride away on after our wedding, to compensate for the fact that we won't be living a romance novel!"
"Man, what are you going to do? Grow Fabio hair?"
"Well, no. Call me unromantic, but when I bought the ring, I saved the recipt..."
--Two twenty-something guys overheard in a cafe