14 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/17/2000 - 1:38pm. Funny
"I'll bet 'Move to Cotati, learn what manure smells like' isn't an official motto."
"Yeah, but 'Move to Marin, learn what money smells like' is."
--Two guys

...And really, I think that says a lot.
13 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/17/2000 - 1:34pm. Funny
"Perhaps you don't understand me. I'm not from this area. I don't know anyone in this restaurant, so I'm not really afraid to make a scene."
--An apparently unsatisfied customer at an italian place
13 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 11:06pm. Tragic
"Lisa, will you listen to me?! Just because he said he's having a great time out with the guys on vacation doesn't mean he doesn't miss you, or that he's interested in other women."
"Well, you didn't say it was a topless bar..."
--Woman on a cell phone in line for the restroom
12 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 10:58pm. Funny
"So I'm at the gym, and this guy keeps giving me the eye, and at first I was looking back 'cause hey, he's blond and buff, but then it was kinda weirdo, you know, when he just... kept... looking. After like half an hour I got off the stairmaster, and he comes up to me and says 'Hi, I'm from Germany. Would you like to welcome me to America at your place tonight?'"
"Whoa, I've heard euro guys are forward. What'd you say??"
"I said, 'Um, wecome to NO."
--Two girls in an elevator in Evans Hall
11 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 10:57pm. Funny
"There is so totally a pint at Raleigh's with my name on it once this is over."
--Girl sitting behind me as the Stat final was handed out
"Look at that last page... better make that a pitcher."
--Girl #2
11 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Sun, 08/13/2000 - 10:56pm. Wisdom
"Ok, ok, this is it... THIS time, I'm going to pass."
"Third time's the charm Fred, not the second."
--Two guys heading into the stat final ahead of me
10 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/10/2000 - 5:06pm. Ironic
"Trav, honey... would you tie me up?"
"Yes, now. Pleeeeease?"
"I'm getting sick of this. You know I can't put them through the holes right."
"Last one, I promise. I can't do it by myself."
--Girl and her male companion in the dressing room of a Telegraph Ave clothing store
...So this whole scene made a lot more sense to me when I stuck my head out of my dressing room and saw the guy... patiently trying to lace his girlfriend into one of those strappy tops with a square of vinyl for the front and a bunch of strings for the rest of it.
8 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Tue, 08/08/2000 - 7:50pm. Funny
"Can I tell you how much you DON'T want to spend $3.89 on this? Go, find something else, consider yourself lucky I was here."
--Video store clerk, to a customer attempting to rent the movie "The Avengers."
Wouldn't it be nice if they posted someone like that outside the theatre when movies like "Three To Tango" were playing?
7 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 08/07/2000 - 2:03pm. Other
"So d'you think that if you really decide to become an anarchist, there's a lot of required reading you have to do first?"
--Guy asking his friend, heard in passing on Telegraph
I wonder if he was speaking theoretically, or deciding if anarchy was worth the commitment?
3 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 08/03/2000 - 10:47pm. Bizarre
"You don't have to worry, I'll let you have some of my _private_ carrot cake later."
--Man to his female companion, on exiting the Pacific Film Archive's showing of The Birds
Either that's a lousy sexual innuendo, or the guy's got serious issues with posessiveness and food.