7 July 2001
Submitted by eve on Sat, 07/07/2001 - 10:57pm. Wisdom
"Oh, that totally sucks, you've got a mouse in your tire. See there, that bulge? It's going to explode, no slow leak there... I ride my bike all the time, I hate getting a mouse in my tire."
"Really." *totally disinterested*
"Last week I was in Santa Monica, out on the pier. The slats are pretty far apart there, and there was this guy, riding a ten-speed across it, and he had a mouse in his tire I could see a mile away, and sure enough he turned and it slipped between the slats and he totally tacoed his wheel..."
--A guy talking to an elderly man holding a bike with a bulging tire, on Center st
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Anne Onymous
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