Don't Patronize Me...
Submitted by Perry on Fri, 02/27/2004 - 1:13pm. Um...
"Don't patronize me like a bunny rabbit."
"No, no, no. When I say 'Don't patronize me like a bunny rabbit', you say 'I don't patronize bunny rabbits. That way, we can be talking to a bunch of people and you can be being mean, and I can say, 'Don't patronize me like a bunny rabbit', and you can say, 'I don't patronize bunny rabbits' and it'll be this funny, hip, spontaneous thing that everyone will laugh at and think it's just a funny little thing that happened when it was really all planned out before hand. So, let's try. Don't patronize me like a bunny rabbit."

My cousin and Mom at a Sarasota restaurant... the same night my cousin was planning on telling the waiter he was proud he had gained personality throughout the meal, but later chickened out.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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