Blur dating
Submitted by zytka on Tue, 01/20/2004 - 10:29pm. Tragic
"You need to get over her. You need to try blur dating."
"Try WHAT?!"
"Blur dating. You date as many people of the opposite sex as you can in quick succession. You should date each of them for just one really stellar quality--they're incredibly witty, unbelievably hot, earth-shaking in bed, or whatever. It could be that you just really like her shoes--it doesn't matter. Then, you make sure that you remain just drunk enough the entire time that they all start to blur into one person. Like...they become this ideal woman."
"I don't think I'd be able to do that, what with needing to keep my integrity intact and all."
"Well, you don't see any of them often enough to form any deep, meaningful relationship--that's exactly what you don't want. You's kind of the Drano method of getting over an ex. It'll clean you out, but it leaves you feeling a bit hollow."
— two guys talking over coffee in a cafe (Emeryville, CA)
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Anne Onymous
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