Submitted by Obsidiana on Mon, 10/06/2003 - 4:10pm. Tragic
"...but I didn't wanna go to Russel Sage."
"So wait...you guys are saying you actually got into good schools, but you came here?"
"Well, I didn't want to be $80,000.00 in debt when I graduate. And besides, RIT only has, like, five girls."
"Yeah, and Purchase has lots of weird people."
"Well what about New Paltz? I heard New Paltz is good."
"I didn't really like the campus..."

-a bunch of Freshman art majors who are all in my Math class

This amused me but saddened me because I know people who go to all the schools they mentioned (and I used to go to New Paltz) and getting into the art department at any of them (with the exception of Russel Sage) is a huge accomplishment. But apparently these kids would rather be here at a semi-party school than at someplace with a good art department...
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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