15 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Sat, 11/15/2003 - 9:29pm. Funny
"Is this a sweater or a swimsuit?"
"That's your first problem."
--A woman and a man at Jeremey's
18 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 11:35pm. Bizarre
"Yes, I would love you even if you looked like Hamlet. Believe me."
--A woman talking on a cell phone, walking past the Nomad Cafe
21 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Sat, 11/22/2003 - 9:26am. Beautiful
"I asked for Guinness and this is obviously Lagunitas. Guinness isn't clear. Guinness isn't golden. How do you get those two confused? Can no one hear me? This is what's wrong with life. This is the way the world ends. Lagunitas for Guinesss, boom."
--A girl at Cafe du Nord, at the Mike Doughty concert

Mike Doughty, on the other had, was pretty much everything that is right in the world. He's doing another show tonight, same venue. Even if you don't know his new stuff, he played a few of his old Soul Coughing songs. He's brilliant. He's friendly to fans after the show. He dismissed the groans and sobs that accompanied his announcement of his last song with a pithy reminder of the temporal nature of existence. Go, already.
30 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 12/02/2003 - 12:10am. Tragic
"Can someone tell me how to get to the city?"
"They said this was a shuttle to Berkeley. Isn't this shuttle going to Berkeley?"
"Yes. Yes. Can someone tell me how to get to Berkeley?"
--An airport shuttle driver, and a passenger, on a shuttle to a city (which was supposed to be Berkeley.)


Hey, kids, if you're ever at SFO at 1am and you're waiting for the Bayporter and a competitor comes up and suggests that you should giddyup to his Berkeley-bound shuttle, do you know what to say?

The proper answer is, "Wrong."

Alternatively, the proper answer is "Golly, I *do* think it would be fun if your cartography-impaired driver didn't take credit cards and had to drive each individual passenger to his/her own atm once he/she discovers that your rates are twice as much as the Bayporter. All aboard!"

Apparently the travel industry calls it Black Sunday for a reason.