11 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 09/11/2000 - 9:05pm. Ironic
"Yeah, so I burned my sig sweater this weekend."
"Sounds like you're really through with the whole frat life..."
"Yeah, I just didn't have time for school anymore, most of the time I was too trashed to go lecture, or to take notes if I did... hey, that chick's taking lecture notes on her palm pilot, cool."
--Two guys behind me in lecture today...
...If they'd only known that it wasn't lecture that I was taking notes on...
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 08/16/2002 - 4:06am.
Archived comment by Saint:
Sad to say--I've seen that flick. And I would tell that girl to knock it off and get covered too, except I would really, really mean it.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 06/10/2002 - 4:38am.
Archived comment by Passerby:
To quote the "Kelly the Coed": "School is about having fun, okay? But it's also about getting an education." recommence porn music, change to close-up shot of ugly but apparently seductive girl going solo "Hey, you, you really need to stop doing that."
Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 11/16/2000 - 8:18am.
Archived comment by Arlene:
OTH, this guy recognized that frat life was trashing what he was paying money to do, ie get an education.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 11/02/2000 - 1:58pm.
Archived comment by Lauri:
then it really wouldn't be fun anymore! :�
Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 10/16/2000 - 4:49am.
Archived comment by james:
I would:
1. change subjects
2. change colleges
3. emmigrate
if I had people like that so close.
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