30 August 2000
Submitted by eve on Fri, 09/01/2000 - 4:53pm. Ironic
"I wish the humanities requirement for EECS was less."
--A guy sitting behind me in CS lecture
For those who aren't Berkeley students: EECS is Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and the humanities requirement is pretty damn low as it is, and the stereotype of folks in that major is somewhat *ahem* robotic.
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 11/20/2000 - 8:37am.
Archived comment by Arlene:
*snicker* A friend of mine did the comp sci thing & we tease him whenever it comes up because the 'humanities' requirements were so low. That fact that of the 3 of us doing the teasing 2 have English Lit & the other has a Communications degree, we have a lot of room to rag.
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