8 February 2001
Submitted by eve on Thu, 02/08/2001 - 11:41pm. Wisdom
"Hey! You wanna go throw firecrackers at cops?"
"Yeah, 'cause then they'd shoot us, and throw us in jail. That sounds like a great way to spend our time."
"They didn't the last time."
--Two guys talking on Telegraph Ave
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 02/14/2001 - 6:46am.
Archived comment by Jon:
On the "cops you don't want to mess with" theme, there was last night's episode of "Angel"... I won't spoil it, but it gives a whole new definition of "dead to rights".
Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 02/13/2001 - 8:50pm.
Archived comment by NN:
Cool site.
Mike, I hope it wasn't you taping the whole scene. But I say, the dude got what he deserved. I mean, who would want to have the finger shoved to his face without any provocation. Even for a cop.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 02/11/2001 - 6:23pm.
Archived comment by Mike:
Uh, don't ask how I found this place, but...
follow this link, scroll down, and click on "Finger Pig" for a quick lesson on why cops are best left alone. If you're at work, or less than 18, or have an especially slow computer, maybe you're better off not going.
Oh, and I disavow all knowledge of the rest of the site. Check it out if you want, but don't come complaining to me. ;^)
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 6:19pm.
Archived comment by NN:
I never ever could do such things. Once, a friend and I contemplated on throwing a hairy giant rubber spider on one of our English professor from the second floor, not that we have anything against him, just thought it would be fun. But after a few minutes waiting for him to pass by, we had a scary thought that he might have a heart attack and just die, so, we didn't. Always admire people who dare do mischievious things.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 8:14am.
Archived comment by Arlene:
Reminds me of the joke about what are usually a Southerner's last words?
"Hey y'all, watch this!"
"Hold mah beer & watch this!"
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 7:08am.
Archived comment by Marv:
It sounds like these two got tired of lighting their farts on fire and they were looking for something to do that was equally intellectually stimulating.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 6:57am.
Archived comment by Mike:
"3 shots and a cot" definitely sounds unappealing.

Hey, I didn't say that I wasn't crazy, but I'm not so crazy that I don't recognize the insane things I do. I'm just worried about people around me who _unknowingly_ do crazy things. That's just plain scary.

By the way, how many versions of the "Darwin Awards" are there? Is this the "unofficial" version?

(sigh) I suppose there's room enough for multiple sites on the subject...
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 6:19am.
Archived comment by Adele:
I'm amused that guy #2 thinks the cops will shoot first and throw them in jail later. Brutal law enforcement in Berkeley.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 6:11am.
Archived comment by TarMan:
Mike, everyone is crazy and stupid in their own way but you and me, and I am slowly slippin.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 5:20am.
Archived comment by Mike:
One night, back when I was a freshman, someone got shot right next to my dorm. The shooter had not yet been apprehended, and was presumably still armed. There were quite a few police officers roaming around our building, expecting an instant gunbattle. What did my roommates decide to do as a "hilarious" joke? Why, get out the laser pointer, of course, and aim it at badges...
Also, when I was a sophomore, a girl in *that* dorm set her own room on fire. Apparently she lit a candle by her bed, took a nap, and, upon waking up, threw her blanket over the candle, completely forgetting about it. She lost everything. So did the students living directly below her, through water damage from the high-pressure sprinkler system.

They should have some kind of "special needs" dorm for instinctively suicidal maniacs like this. Why should I have to die with them?
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 5:13am.
Archived comment by bf:
sounds like fun in the UK. But not in the US where cops have guns and are on a constant caffine-high.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 02/09/2001 - 12:43am.
Archived comment by Julia:
The two guys sound like wannabe candidates for the Darwin Awards!
Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 02/08/2001 - 11:48pm.
Archived comment by Rory:
That remids me of what me and my roomate were talking about today. We can see maine street from our window, it's about 100 feet from us, we want to get one of those giant water ballon slingshots and launch water ballons out the window at traffic during rush hour.
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