Submitted by NeKo on Fri, 02/11/2005 - 10:55am. Bizarre
"Wheeness! wheenesswheenesswheenesswheenesswheeness!"
"is that even a word?"
"it's my word! I make up a lot of words."
-a conversation at my table during lunch
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English needs more words
Posted by Mike on Wed, 02/16/2005 - 8:38am.
Yeah, I know we already have a bigger weirder language than anyone else, but a lot of that is just synonyms and stuff we stole from other languages. Sure, there's always some word repurposing going on but there hasn't been much in the way of decent word minting for a while now.

...but you can't just make up a word that resonates with you and no one else! They should be tailor made for the needs of the general populace. Maybe there needs to be some sort of practice test for those seeking the job.

Um... okay, here's one: you know how, when you first get a puppy, the silly thing doesn't know enough to stop eating and overgorges itself and spends the next few hours waddling around with a full stretchy belly and grunting to itself? Yeah, I need a one-word definition for that. "Satiety" just doesn't cut it in terms of fully describing the goofy adorableness. So choose whatever term you feel is properly evocative, then bring it here and let us evaluate it.

Maybe after that we can talk about pay scale and job requirements and such.
Posted by steff on Wed, 02/16/2005 - 4:56pm.
i WANT this job. really. really!!!

i don't have a word yet, i just want the job. *grin*
Posted by Monk on Fri, 02/11/2005 - 8:57pm.
Maybe it's "weenus" - as in the statistacal weekly economic statistical report compiled by chandler bing on friends?

So.....it goes under the bay???
It's perfectly cromulent.
Posted by Mike on Fri, 02/11/2005 - 11:14am.
Whee*ness. n. The state of saying "Whee!"

But then wouldn't saying it invalidate its veracity?
Posted by Mori on Fri, 02/11/2005 - 5:47pm.
I was watching American Idol (shh!) and Simon Cowell said a word I'd never heard before - I was sure it wasn't real, but I found it in the online dictionary!

Pronunciation: sham-'bä-lik
Function: adjective
Etymology: probably from shambles
chiefly British : obviously disorganized or confused

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