Submitted by geckocrew on Thu, 03/18/2004 - 2:16pm. Ironic
"Well, look at it this way at least the herpes will keep you from having drunk sex with an ugly stranger."
"That's true. Gosh, you know how to make anything look better."
-2 girls at Henry Hudson's bar bathroom in Oklahoma City
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Posted by steff on Thu, 03/18/2004 - 3:18pm.
how, exactly, is this supposed to work? does herpes keep one from getting drunk? or, is the (presumably also drunk) ugly stranger going to notice this kind of thing as he's fumbling around in the dark, all... you know, ugly? is she supposed to remember to TELL him? overall, i'd say her chances are about even. and remember kids, chlamydia isn't a flower.
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