A musing
Submitted by persona on Thu, 10/23/2003 - 7:30am. Um...
Dont you hate it when you walk into a totally unoccupied public bathroom. And it smells like roten _____ (insert phrase of choice) so you try and hurry up and get your buisness done quick before someone walks in (And they always do...) And then they look at you like you're the source of that horrible stench. And you cant say anyhting cause you know they wont believe you. But you want to anyways....
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Posted by persona on Thu, 10/23/2003 - 1:04pm.
same thing as when the whole office smells like dirty feet... and you can't tell where the smell came from... like right now.... in my office... its all icky... it smells like someone was wearing boots all week with the same pair of socks and finally took the boots off... Yak...
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