20 September 2000
Submitted by eve on Wed, 09/20/2000 - 10:42am. Wisdom
"You can't be 'somewhat' head over heels for somebody! That's like saying you're 'a little' pregnant or something."
--A girl to a guy, browsing the beverages at the Cal Convenience Store
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 10/04/2001 - 8:29am.
Archived comment by JustPassingBy:
Head over heels may be the natural state of being - but the more robust Anglo-Saxon version, "arse over tit", is neither gentlemanly nor ladylike...
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 01/07/2001 - 10:51pm.
Archived comment by Mike:
Hmm. Now that I think about it, "head over heels" as a metaphor for an unusual state of being seems kinda bizarre. I mean, *I'm* head over heels right now, and I'm just sitting here. What's so weird about being head over heels that someone would coin that phrase?
Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 12/11/2000 - 10:06am.
Archived comment by Jon:
Somewhat head over heels = still learning in yoga class
Posted by Anne Onymous on Fri, 10/20/2000 - 1:43pm.
Archived comment by The Laughing God:
Okay, I think she's basically right about being "somewhat head over heels," but comparing it to pregancy is still a false analogy. (This is me being "just a bit pedantic.")
Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 10/17/2000 - 7:57am.
Archived comment by Kat the AntiKat:
Yah, I'm just sorta dead... a little bit female... just slightly pregnant... yah... This one just makes me shake my head and wonder about the human race.
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