Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 03/04/2002 - 2:05pm.
Archived comment by Evil Gingerbread Man:
Oh, fine then. I'll just put this one here, instead.

A chemist, a physisist and a mathmatician are out in the woods, each renting a cabin by a lake. After a long day, they each have a cigarette and go to bed.
Some time later, the chemist smells smoke and wakes up, his cigarette has started a fire in his waste basket. Knowing that a combustion reaction requires oxygen, he places a lid on the bin until the fire goes out, then goes back to bed.
Around this time the physicist wakes up to find a simmilar dilemma. Knowing, however, that a fire requires high kinetic energy, he decides to cool the system with water, reducing the kinetic energy and putting out the fire, so he places the bin in the shower and runs the water for a bit, then goes back to bed.
Meanwhile, the mathmatician had also woken to find his trash bin on fire. Having seen the other two through the window he says to himself "A solution exists!" and goes back to bed.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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