Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 03/02/2002 - 2:11pm.
Archived comment by Spyderqueen:

As a teenager, I once had to ride in a van with 5 kids (of no relation to me) all the age of psudo-joke telling for 2 hours.

2 solid hours of
Random Child: "Why did the cat cross the road?"
Me: *silence*
Child: "Come on! Guess guess" *sticky jam coated fingers poke at my face*
Me: *groan in frustration* "I don't know, why?"
Child: "He wanted to get to the McDonalds!" *raucous child laughter ensues*

If this isn't covered in the Geneva convention, it should be. Closest I've ever been to experiencing hell.... Either way, it was a damned good argument for Birth Control in my opinion.

And of course, they didn't get the sophistication of my more "grown-up" jokes....
Child: "Now you tell one!"
Me: "Fine. Why did the possum cross the road?"
Child: "Why?"
Me: "He didn't."
Child: *looks at me in confusion* "It'd be better if he went to McDonalds...."
Me: *wonders if temporary insanity would hold up as a defense in court when I'm on trial for infanticide*

And what's really annoying is that I know I probably went through a stage of this too...

Your name:
Anne Onymous
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