Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 03/02/2002 - 1:24pm.
Archived comment by TJ:
There once was a kingdom of little people called Trids. One day, a huge giant came and began kicking over their houses for amusement. This of course angered the Trids, so they tried to fight back. This just caused the giant to laugh and kick THEM.

So, they raised this huge Trid army, led by a rabbi. They went on a type of crusade to fight the giant at his home. When they approached the giant's castle, he came out to meet them. He surveyed the Trid army, laughed, and began to kick the Trids every which way. The rabbit urged the Trid army to keep fighting. During the fighting, the giant reached the rabbi. The rabbi cowered in terror, but the giant just stepped over the rabbi and did not kick him.

Finally, all the Trids had been kicked and killed, except for the rabbi. The rabbi looked at the giant mournfully and said, "Giant, why did you not kick me too?"

The giant grinned at him and said, "Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids."

Get it? Okay, I know it was lame.
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Anne Onymous
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