18 December 2000
Submitted by eve on Mon, 12/18/2000 - 12:12am. Scenes
Near midnight in a cafe in Berkeley tends to be a great place to meet... really, really crazy people. Tonight, for instance, was "Strange People With Newspapers" night at Sufficient Grounds. (Oh, sure, it might not have been officially that, but it certainly felt like it was.)
For instance, we had:

--Strange man #1, who was reading the paper quietly enough, both hands above the table, except for he made a loud "Mmmmmmmuuuummmmhhh!" noise every time he turned the page.

--Strange man #2, who was slowly tearing each newspaper page in half, and then folding those halves into eighths, and then stacking those like Jenga blocks.

--And strange man #3, who circled the words "Cisco Routers" in the business section -- again and again and again, while carrying on a conversation with himself about how he had a lot of reading to do before bedtime.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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