Cable Companies
Submitted by Apple on Fri, 01/07/2005 - 7:30pm. Other
"Your guy disconnected my internet when he was only supposed to take the cable tv receiver."
"You scheduled a disconnect."
"Yes, but only for the tv, not for my broadband."
"He wasn't supposed to take any office supplies."
*bewilderment* "He didn't, he took my internet away!"
"Then why did you say he took a rubber band?"
*frustration* "I didn't, I said BROADBAND. Why did he disconnect my internet??"
"Because you scheduled it."
*sigh* "No, I only wanted to switch back to satellite, not lose my internet."
"Oh, why didn't you just say that to him?"
"Because I didn't know he couldn't read a simple work order!!"
"Oh, then we'll send somebody out tomorrow morning to fix it, but I must tell you that if it is found to be your fault there will be a $49.99 charge."
"How can it be my stinking fault if he did it at the outside box??"
"You have your modem outside??"
*Frustrated cry of despair* "If Verizon wasn't worse, and slower, I'd switch to them!"
"You can't keep a DSL modem outside, either."
Me and a complete IDIOT at the local Comcast office. I swear, this went on for 20 more minutes at least! At least the guy who came out this morning knew my agony. He complained about his coworkers the whole entire time he was here.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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