Please. Stop. Talking.
Submitted by Saint on Thu, 06/03/2004 - 6:40pm. Other
"When she came for her cake, the decorator was like, 'You ordered a cake? What were you thinking?' and she was all, 'Well, mostly I was thinking I don't want to bake a cake, it's 90 degrees out!' And I got to thinking later, you know, we do that all the time. Anyone who works here wants to get food from here, we treat them like they're retards. And I thought, wow, customers who overhear all that must think our food really sucks. Of course, it kinda works out, because our food does really suck. Except for the hot wings. Those are really good."

--a lady working in the deli at Wal-Mart. Cortez, CO.

Have you ever just been exhausted listening to someone talk?
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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