May 7, 2004
Submitted by PurpleCow on Sat, 05/08/2004 - 1:53pm. Beautiful
"This is Daphne Rubin-Vega singing."
"Huh? Her middle name is Reuben?"
"No. It's Rubin-Vega. She has two last names. Rubin hyphen Vega."
"But then it's just one last name with a hyphen in it."
"No! Because, like, someone named Mary Ann, you don't say that they have TWO first names, just one! And....I'm proving your point."
"I think I must know Daphne Rubin-Vega. Because I dated a guy whose last name was Varga. And I dated a guy who had a car that was a Vega. And I knew a guy named Reuben. So I must know her."
~Me, my sister, and then my mom at the end, all listening to a song from Rent
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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