30 November 2003
Submitted by eve on Tue, 12/02/2003 - 12:10am. Tragic
"Can someone tell me how to get to the city?"
"They said this was a shuttle to Berkeley. Isn't this shuttle going to Berkeley?"
"Yes. Yes. Can someone tell me how to get to Berkeley?"
--An airport shuttle driver, and a passenger, on a shuttle to a city (which was supposed to be Berkeley.)


Hey, kids, if you're ever at SFO at 1am and you're waiting for the Bayporter and a competitor comes up and suggests that you should giddyup to his Berkeley-bound shuttle, do you know what to say?

The proper answer is, "Wrong."

Alternatively, the proper answer is "Golly, I *do* think it would be fun if your cartography-impaired driver didn't take credit cards and had to drive each individual passenger to his/her own atm once he/she discovers that your rates are twice as much as the Bayporter. All aboard!"

Apparently the travel industry calls it Black Sunday for a reason.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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