Thongs are not outerwear!
Posted by ChristyMC on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 10:55am.
The whole "thong as outerwear" issue presses one of Christy's pet peeve buttons BIG TIME. The thong is a specific garment that has a specific purpose, i.e. preventing pantyline. So the purpose is specifically for the underwear to NOT be seen, and for nobody to be aware of it. There are many, many people in the world who would benefit from a few good thongs. Unfortunately, for some reason many people are possessed by the psychotic belief that the thong is flattering by itself and should be seen by the general public, thus taking the thong out of its intended category (invisible thing that makes clothes fit better) and placing it in the category of trashy clothing.
No! No! Bad fashion choice! Bad!
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Anne Onymous
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