Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 05/07/2003 - 6:41am.
Archived comment by n-Guy (m):
The I-want-my-sex-crazed-goddess back theory, while having a Friends-ish sort of appeal seems to me to lack credibility.

I think either the man is becoming irritated about the new Martha Stewart like behavior and wants the woman to go back to reading Harlequins, OR that he's protesting the hanging shelves. The way I see it, she wants the shelves to store a large collection of Harlequins. He's saying, "Fine, we can get the shelves if you will actually read the damn books. But if they're just going to sit around unread, we may as well not get the shelves at all and instead just throw the books out like the trash they are."

PS, I'm a long-time lurker. I have posted only a few times before, mostly because I couldn't think of a good name. I was teaching a little chemistry this morning and so this name came to me. ("good" = somewhat descriptive of the real me, somewhat humorous, inventive, and unique.) How often do the "regulars" post, read, and so on? How do you know when to move on to the next thread? (And do we call the comments-about-overheard-bits "threads"?)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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