Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 05/05/2003 - 7:01pm.
Archived comment by Matt:
Just because I can't resist taking another stab at IKEA, here's one for the guys. Aforementioned housemate (no, I don't tell her about my feelings on the issue) also bought a regulation, 72-inch couch there. I can, I kid you not, lift the thing over my head and throw it, Incredible Hulk-style. And a considerable distance, that, I'd wager.

Most of what passes for "wood" there appears to be press board, sometimes called particle board. To make it, you mix sawdust and glue and smash it flat as it dries. Glossy veneer optional.

On the upside, all this cheap crap reinforces the American consumerist ideal of throwing stuff away when it's not cool anymore.

Thanks, Cebu. I like Phoebe. Kudrow's a great actress. The Opposite of Sex, anyone?
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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