7 April 2004
Submitted by eve on Wed, 04/07/2004 - 8:40pm. Um...
"You know how they talk about jobs keeping people off the street? Why do they always say that about guys working at the YMCA, or at the bus station? My job's keeping me off the street too, and literally."
--A man in a suit and tie talking on a cell phone in the lobby of my hotel.
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Spiderman? Ninja Turtle? Professional hermit?
Posted by Mike on Fri, 04/09/2004 - 10:43am.
...Or maybe the guy just doesn't know the difference between "literally" and "figuratively."
Posted by hypoxic on Thu, 04/08/2004 - 9:06am.
I can see it now an invasion of tie clad unemployed beggars and thieves. Oh wait those are CEO's my mistake :)

Corporate governance is a funny thing.
That would be...
Posted by Social Neanderthal on Thu, 04/08/2004 - 2:56pm.
...all those IT folks who got their jobs outsourced to some third world country.

But at least the people who got the outsourced jobs are off the street.....
And isn't it fun...
Posted by ParU on Fri, 04/16/2004 - 8:04pm.
When you deal with those limited knowledge, limited English IT help desk folks? Case in point when I was talking to Dell's Technical Support line (in Manila) and the woman told me to back up the hard drive (before reinstalling Windows, their answer to everything) by using a floppy disk (cause the CD drive was broken, the original reason for the call). Back up an entire 80 Gb hard drive on floppys. Such wonderful, knowledgeable people they have... (That would've been about 50,000 floppy disks...)
It's Amino world without Chemists
Posted by Kris the Girl on Thu, 04/08/2004 - 7:57am.
There's some perspective, I guess.
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