28 June 2000
Submitted by eve on Thu, 06/29/2000 - 3:06pm. Bizarre
"You're telling me your bruises aren't green?"
--Overheard in the elevator in Evans Hall
Again, with the "I have no idea" category.
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Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/18/2002 - 8:38pm.
Archived comment by Billy Bob:
Adn with the "embarassed mom" thing, i have a huge birthmark on the back of my head that looks just like a bruise. and whenever i get a haircut ( i like my head shaved), i always get alot of "does your mom beat you?"
Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 12/18/2002 - 8:37pm.
Archived comment by Billy Bob:
Hey! there's another billybob?! what am i supposed to do about that?
Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 03/28/2002 - 7:34pm.
Archived comment by MistaCat:
::grins big:: Bilirubin...

"Lab says bilirubin's just about exactly the color of Chilton's hair. Asylum humour, they call it."

Cool points.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 10/20/2001 - 9:47pm.
Archived comment by k:
the green and yellow coloring is the result of the billie ruben setting in and is hard to see in darker colored skin. i myself being so white i'm almost transparent, i get it all the time
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 11/19/2000 - 6:23pm.
Archived comment by billybob:
after getting beaten up ..I have to face the
embarassment of people thinking I have
had 2nd degree sunburn.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 11/16/2000 - 6:53am.
Archived comment by Arlene:
BTW, 2nd degree sunburns half way through healing look a lot like bruises half way through healing. When I got mottled 2nd degree sunburns on my legs (patchily applied sunblock) & I had healed enough to wear anything over them & could wear shorts again, it caused my mom no end of embarrassment. It looked like she had been beating me.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 10/22/2000 - 10:00pm.
Archived comment by Eyes in the night:
Technocolor bruising ain't all it's cracked up to be, but does make for an interesting color scheme: black, purple, blue, teal, green, yellow. The starting color does depend on the severity of the bruise -- blue being a run of the mill bump to black being the result serious interal bleeding.
Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 10/18/2000 - 12:54am.
Archived comment by Stacey:
being an athletic training student, i can add to this...in the aging process of a bruise, the blood pool goes through several different colors - green shows up in the later stages
Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 10/16/2000 - 10:12am.
Archived comment by MauriceB:
May be a racial thing. I mean, I've never seen a bruise through my "dark chocolate" brown skin, but aren't most bruises black and blue?
Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 10/14/2000 - 12:00am.
Archived comment by Eyes in the night:
Well, can't make a statement on the context, but some bruises do tend to look green. Usually right before they look yellow. And that's right before they go away.
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