6 November 2004
Submitted by eve on Sat, 11/06/2004 - 2:08pm. Bizarre
"Yeah, I was woken up at 4am when her boyfriend went to the bathroom. I tell you tall guys? Farther to fall, much louder in the bowl. I'm serious."
--A girl talking at the next table over at Tsing Tao
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Posted by Monk on Tue, 12/14/2004 - 12:16pm.
maybe you forgot due to lack of oxygen?

anyway...i know putting that on my resume has helped me land the cushy job i'm in now. Thankfully they didn't even notice that it was in a completely unrelated field. Well...i don't think they noticed....I wonder if they even read my resume???

Those @#%^@$'s - they didn't even read it - no wonder i'm stuck in this dead end shit job! I outta sue. Wait...even better - i'll quit. That'll show them! I'll lose my house, self respect, all income and then they'll realize how important it is to read the entire resume - especially when you are dealing with a published author!!!

But yeah, hypoxic - definitely add it on.

Posted by hypoxic on Tue, 12/14/2004 - 2:50pm.
I was just trolling for models. You never know when we can get a Girls of IP calander together.
Posted by hypoxic on Tue, 12/14/2004 - 8:57am.
I'm a published photographer. Thanks for reminding me I need to add that to my resume.
Time zone sleight of hand
Posted by steff on Fri, 12/10/2004 - 10:52pm.
friday song? yes. friday song:

Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Reflected in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams

Once the world was new
Our bodies felt the morning dew
That greets the brand-new day
We couldn't tear ourselves away
I wonder if you care
I wonder if you still remember
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams

When the music plays
When the words are touched with sorrow
When the music plays
I hear the sound I had to follow
Once upon a time

Once beneath the stars
The universe was ours
Love was all we knew
And all I knew was you
I wonder if you know
I wonder if you think about it
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams

When the music plays
And when the words are touched with sorrow
When the music plays

And when the music plays
I hear the sound I had to follow
Once upon a time

Once upon a time
Once when you were mine
I remember skies
Mirrored in your eyes
I wonder where you are
I wonder if you think about me
Once upon a time
In your wildest dreams
Poddy training???
Posted by ParU on Tue, 11/30/2004 - 6:42pm.
Oohh, I could tell some stories about a certain webmistress, but I think I'd better refrain, lest I find a 'smoking hole where my OS was'.
It's Amino world without Chemists
Probably a good idea Par U. O
Posted by dave on Thu, 12/02/2004 - 3:16am.
Probably a good idea Par U. One day my kids will read my blog .. and if they're bigger than me at the time, I could be toast.

"Million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"
It's worse...
Posted by ParU on Mon, 12/06/2004 - 8:32pm.
for me though Dave. I've read your blog and it's a bit of all right. Here, keep in mind that I'm commenting on my daughter's blog. And she has supernatural IT powers (well she has friends that do and that's the same thing). I mean she knows folks who can... oops better not even say that cause then...

Arrgghhh....ParU's hard drive starts smoking
I didn't mean it, I won't tell, stop, STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
It's Amino world without Chemists
Yes, well by the time my kids
Posted by dave on Thu, 12/23/2004 - 1:20pm.
Yes, well by the time my kids get out of primary school they'll more than likely have surpassed my computer knowledge ... so maybe I'll just end up with them hosting my blog ... but then all the fun might dry up!

"Million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"
Supernatural IT powers ?
Posted by peegee on Tue, 12/07/2004 - 8:15am.
A smoking hard drive reminds me of this piece of hacker folkore.

And I don't know how other computer science people feel about this, but personally I resent talking about "IT", even more so when people equate "IT" with "computer science" and still more when at the same time they actually think of IT as "marketing something over the internet". And then people talking about "IT technology" - it just makes me want to cringe, die and then auto-defenestrate.
Smoking fast HD
Posted by Jon on Tue, 12/07/2004 - 6:31am.
You mean you didn't overclock it, ParU? ;p

At least it's not "making a sound like a yeti", like in the AOL ads they've been showing on TV lately. Any virus that can do that to your PC is pretty impressive...
What I mean is...
Posted by ParU on Wed, 12/08/2004 - 9:57pm.
that our esteemed webmistress has magical powers that can be used for good or evil. Fortunately she uses them for good, but dinna cross her. Well they just seem magical cause any truly advanced science is indistinguishable from magic for many people. (I've misquoted that, but a cool pt to anyone who knows where that's from).
It's Amino world without Chemists
Posted by steff on Thu, 12/09/2004 - 10:32am.
so, conversely, any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.

i'm with paul... cool points? for this? among polygeeks? *wails* the parental unit has lost faith in ussssss!

Arthur C. Clarke.
Posted by paul on Wed, 12/08/2004 - 10:47pm.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Easy one.
Pop quiz on what we've been covering...
Posted by slugbuggy on Mon, 12/20/2004 - 12:58pm.
1) These were created by:

a) Magical energy fields.

b) Advanced alien technology.

c) Some guys tromping around in fields at night with wooden planks.

d) I can't distinguish magic from technology, so whatever. They're really pretty, though.

e) I saw that movie Signs, and found it highly implausible that God would allow malevolent creatures to invade the Earth just to teach Mel Gibson a lesson in faith.
Posted by Matt on Mon, 12/20/2004 - 11:33pm.
C, dammit! C!

Speaking of "Signs," why the hell would an alien race afraid of water come to a planet with so much water, we have huge white fluffy-looking things full of it up in the sky? And if you live in Cascadia, it falls from the sky 350 days a year!

I'd rather watch "Dude, Where's My Car?" again. Awful, awful movie.
Posted by paul on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 5:06pm.
When I first saw that movie, that was my question as well. Wouldn't all the water vapor in the air cause their skins to constantly fizz, and their lungs to liquify in their bodies?

I think they missed a truly great way of handling it. I would have made the aliens have a bad reaction to alcohol- it isn't all around us, but it's certainly readily available. Then I would have had Mel Gibson's character be a heavy drinker since his wife died, and have him leave partial bottles of whisky or vodka or something sitting around for the big scene at the end. It would have been not only a lot neater in terms of taking care of that gaping plot hole, but it would have been a great way of having Mel turn away from booze.

I did like "The Village" a lot, though. Shymalian (sp?) does some nicely creepy work.
And then?
Posted by hypoxic on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 11:45am.
Posted by Monk on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 11:49am.
hypo - we have too much time on our hands

both to know that quote...and then to post it....and then to read it.....and then to comment on it.....

So.....it goes under the bay???
I just keep thinking about
Posted by hypoxic on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 4:21pm.
when the monster woman walks through the arcade and the little kid says, "I want to ride that ride daddy!" and then his dad says, "So do I."

Heh. Those would be some big hamsters!
Film critic
Posted by marinerd on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 10:58am.
I hope you weren't saying Dude, Where's My Car was awful. It was cinema at its finest!

Anything starring Mel Gibson and His Complexes may qualify as awful, though. Seriously creepy.
Time's up
Posted by Monk on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 9:58am.
How is it that it took Matt almost 12 hours to come up with the answer?

He might claim that he hadn't read the question until just then....but seriously. We know matt. I've met matt. He's a great guy, but he's checking this site every five minutes.


So.....it goes under the bay???

p.s. - still have those roomates? hubba hubba!

Posted by Matt on Tue, 12/21/2004 - 8:02pm.
Nope. I'm living somewhere else now, far away from them.

Seriously, I responded as soon as I saw the question. I can't surf the web at work: too much supervision.

In other news, Monk, too, is a great guy. Every time I see a City Of Berkeley vehicle--all of which run on Bio Diesel--I think of Monk.
Posted by Monk on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 6:39am.
sorry to hear about the massive hamster loss. And congrats on the new gig.

So.....it goes under the bay???
Posted by Matt on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 8:41am.
Something tells me Monk's vocabulary of slang is missing one very important entry.

I actually do have a new "gig," but I don't think we're talking about the same thing.
Posted by Monk on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 9:32am.
you callin me old?

So.....it goes under the bay???
Posted by Matt on Wed, 12/22/2004 - 9:25pm.
No. "Unworldly."

Posted by Monk on Thu, 12/23/2004 - 6:34am.

So.....it goes under the bay???
Posted by ParU on Sun, 12/12/2004 - 8:37pm.
It was kinda easy but nobody else gives out cool pts anymore so I thought I'd be generous. And the cool pt goes to our Forester/Engineer (now ain't that a cool combination) - Any more out there? I know an attorney/chaplain.
It's Amino world without Chemists
That's just the tip of the iceberg, ParU.
Posted by paul on Mon, 12/13/2004 - 12:00pm.
I have also been a draftsman, a surveyor, a waiter, a cook, an amusement park ride operator, a racetrack groom, a house painter and a published writer.

And those are just a few of them. I've made my living in some really odd ways over the years. Nothing illegal or immoral, of course, but I've had a pretty wide range of experiences.
Posted by Monk on Tue, 12/14/2004 - 7:15am.
wouldn't you still be a published writer? I know I am, regardless of when I was published. :)


True enough...
Posted by paul on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 8:04am.
It's just that it's been about five years since I sold an article. But that may change soon...

By the way, all, I'll be only sporadically around for a while- I'm in the middle of a move.
Posted by Jon on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 12:57pm.
At the laundromat last night, I was musing over a sign there, while I waited for my dryer loads to finish up. It's a classic sign: "Management is not responsible for lost or stolen articles"

Immediately, I thought: "Yep, it's too bad they already stole any from the sign." As in, "responsible for any lost or stolen articles" Then I realized that "any" isn't an article. That would have been a good joke if it were...

Stil, I'll buy two ans & three thes from you, Paul. ;)
"amusement park ride operator"
Posted by Kris the Girl on Mon, 12/13/2004 - 1:39pm.
so...you were a carnie? :P
Posted by paul on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 8:07am.
There is an amusement park in the town where I grew up, and in high school I worked there during the summer. You wouldn't believe how old that can get.
Posted by Monk on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 8:30am.
Know exactly what you mean - i hated high school. It got old real fast.

or did you mean summer?


High School...
Posted by ParU on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 4:36pm.
Am I the only person around who didn't hate their childhood/high school/college experience?
It's Amino world without Chemists
Posted by hypoxic on Thu, 12/16/2004 - 2:08pm.
I liked all of mine. I also currently enjoy my current state of life.

I'm not to sure about the afterlife but if I ever become undead I'm sure I'd like that. As long as I had a steady supply of brains.
Posted by Cebu on Thu, 12/16/2004 - 1:29pm.
High school blew. My childhood was nice, as long as I wasn't at school.
Posted by Matt on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 10:10pm.
Probably. But if you went to my high school and didn't hate it, I'd have to question one's sanity.

Imagine living in an episode of The O.C. every day for four years, except your family barely makes enough money to squeak by. A lower-middle-class kid in an upper-middle-class school. SUCKED.

My 10-year reunion was interesting, though. I show up in a designer suit I bought at an outlet mall and a $20 haircut and all of a sudden I'm the hit of the party, pretty much.
Superficial bastards.

Not a single person cared that I have a B.A. from the toughtest English Lit program in the country.
Posted by steff on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 11:14pm.
i care! poor wittle english major. =D

childhood, nice but unremarkable. jr. high, absolute hell. high school, noidon'twanttobeinyourcliquethanks. college... enjoyed immensely, would still be there if i could afford it.
Awww v2.0
Posted by Jon on Mon, 12/20/2004 - 10:22am.
My experience was like unto steff's... 'cept that I did fit in with the HS theatre clique, eventually.
That, and I was a wittle Watin major. :)

The thing I miss most about college: scheduling classes so that the earliest is 11 AM, and nothing scheduled for Friday. Those were the days...
Collegetown, usa
Posted by Monk on Thu, 12/16/2004 - 9:07am.
come back to college, baby. We miss you. :)

Posted by Kris the Girl on Wed, 12/15/2004 - 7:25pm.
I've loved my childhood, high school, and college experience. There's been crapiness, to be sure, but overall it's quite lovely.
Posted by daen on Mon, 12/13/2004 - 7:24am.
Massage therapist/librarian.
2 mints in one
Posted by Jon on Mon, 12/13/2004 - 11:26am.
Whoa! Someone call timmycakes... :)
That's quite a job combination, daen, both body and mind improved.
Posted by Matt on Sun, 12/12/2004 - 9:18pm.
I'm a registered minister with the Universal Life Church, an Oriental Carpet salesman, and someday I'll be a certified Bikram Yoga instructor.
Posted by steff on Sun, 12/12/2004 - 11:04pm.
i learned something new today... there are TWO ordained ministers who're regulars on inpassing.

could come in handy.
Rule of thumb...
Posted by slugbuggy on Sun, 12/12/2004 - 12:32am.
I'd say if you witness some kind of wonderously miraculous event that surpasses anything you'd ever believed was earthly possible, but there's some guy standing right there pressing buttons on a machine, then it's a pretty good bet that what we're dealing with is still technology and probably not magic.

Unless you've got a telepathically-activated telekenesis machine, and are sufficiently advanced enough to hide it in the other room, so nobody can see what's making stuff happen. That might blur the distinction a bit. I anticipate that this kind of technology would be primarily used in magic shows.
Posted by Monk on Mon, 11/29/2004 - 11:49am.
no matter how tall one is.....

water's cold.

and deep.

Possibly unrelated anecdote
Posted by MongolJohn on Wed, 11/10/2004 - 7:36am.
20 years ago, I was in a small airport in rural Kansas, and above the urinal there was this sign:

Those pilots with
- low manifold pressure,
- short stacks, or
- faulty ADF
please taxi in real close.

//* ADF = Automatic Direction Finder *//

I loved it, and still remember it.

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