18 August 2004
Submitted by Appie86 on Wed, 08/18/2004 - 7:21am. Um...
"I hope it happens soon. That would be a great time for that global warming to kick in." -- woman on office phone.

Is anytime a great time for global warming to kick in?
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But think of the benefits...
Posted by peegee on Wed, 08/18/2004 - 10:55am.
Hmm, ironically, no, sadly, there is a Danish ...uhm... man (whom from my slightly biased point of view is a crackpot scientist: he started up with a PhD in political sciences and now claims to know enough statistics to assess the REAL consequences of global warming) who in a recent cost-benefit analysis of global warming came to the conclusion that global warming wasn't so bad. After all we'd use less energy on heating and thanks to warmer climates we could grow new crops, etc.
I'd really like to meet him in a dark alley and give him my version of the whole thing.
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