July 8, 2004
Submitted by PurpleCow on Fri, 07/09/2004 - 6:24pm. Beautiful
Girl 1: "So we're thinking we'll have the girls change in that room and the guys change in this room. Then when the guys are done, they'll knock, so that the girls can come through their dressing room to get to the stairs."
Girl 2: "Why do we have to go through the boys' dressing room?"
Girl 1: "Because that's the only way to get to the entrance for the upstairs."
Girl 2: "Why can't we enter from the other side of the stage?"
Girl 1: "We don't have stairs for that side. You'd have to jump up onto the stage, and you can't do that in heels."
Girl 2: "Then let's switch the guys' and girls' dressing rooms around. The guys can climb up onto the stage."
Girl 1: "But the room we gave the girls is bigger."
Guy: (Helpful idea) "There are two rooms back there we can use for changing."
(Everyone sort of stares)
Girl 1: "Uh, yeah, thank you."
Guy: "I wasn't paying attention, was I?"
~At drama practice, trying to figure out dressing rooms
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Oh the Drama of it all...
Posted by Social Neanderthal on Wed, 07/14/2004 - 12:10pm.
Oh the Drama of it all...

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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