21 May 2004
Submitted by eve on Fri, 05/21/2004 - 8:30pm. Funny
"Wait, are there two Starbucks in the mall? I just yelled at my friend for being late, and there are two Starbucks in this mall?"
"Maybe she knew she was late, so she went to the other one. To trick you."
"What kind of friends do you have? And where is the other Starbucks?"
--A girl and a barista at (surprisingly) Starbucks.
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Posted by slugbuggy on Mon, 06/14/2004 - 9:37am.
there's that scene in Best in Show where the yuppie couple talk about how they met:

"Well, we met at Starbucks - not at the same Starbucks, we saw each other at different Starbucks, across the street from each other..."

Star' bucks (stär'buks) adj. 1. ubiquitous and needlessly excessive. 2. redundant. v.i. (biol.) 1. to expand to the full perimeter of a species' habitat or niche in a brief period of time; to overpopulate or create redundancy within a niche within a brief period of time.
Posted by Matt on Mon, 06/14/2004 - 6:37pm.
Well done, Ambrose Bierce.
And a half a cool pt each
Posted by ParU on Mon, 06/14/2004 - 9:03pm.
to sluggy and Matt. For the original reference and Matt for the literary repartee.
It's Amino world without Chemists
What would've been great
Posted by Mike on Fri, 06/11/2004 - 8:04am.
The barista should have given the girl some roundabout directions to the other Starbucks, dashed over there and replaced whoever was at the front counter, and then feigned ignorance when she showed up.

What kind of friend yells at you for being late at Starbucks, anyway?
Good idea...
Posted by marinerd on Fri, 06/11/2004 - 12:53pm.
... kind of like the Dead Parrot sketch?
Posted by umrguy on Fri, 06/11/2004 - 8:41pm.
More like a cartoon, I was thinking (Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes, for example).

But it's a great idea :)

-There's someone in my head, but it's not me.-
This just reminds me of the s
Posted by Trent on Wed, 06/02/2004 - 1:16am.
This just reminds me of the scene in Shrek II where the patrons of one coffee place, which is being attacked, run right across the street and into the safety of a second identical coffee place.

However, that is a great trick...when you know you're about to fail so you somehow set it up so one of your friends can take the fall instead. Brava.

This just reminds me of the s
Posted by Trent on Wed, 06/02/2004 - 1:15am.
This just reminds me of the scene in Shrek II where the patrons of one coffee place, which is being attacked, run right across the street and into the safety of a second identical coffee place.

Posted by hypoxic on Mon, 05/31/2004 - 10:46am.
Its scary that a mall needs two Starbucks. Is the mall that big? and why couldn't another coffee store move in instead?
Surprise, Surprise!
Posted by Pizza Delivery Guy on Sun, 05/30/2004 - 8:52pm.
I'm just surprised there's only two Starbucks in the mall. Reminds me of the Simpson's clip where the entire mall turns into Starbucks.

Comedy Gold.
Posted by Matt on Sun, 05/30/2004 - 10:43am.
What the hell is a barista? And who coined the term? These are questions that need answering!

And I want to know if the Starbucks employee was male or female. Somehow the answer will change the quote for me.

I can't tell you how many times I've been talking to a friend or a coworker (several times, to be sure) and after they've been talking endlessly for a couple of minutes, I've responded with, "That's great, but I was really just looking for a yes or no."
Posted by peegee on Sun, 05/30/2004 - 11:48am.
It seems 'barista' is Italian and originally means barkeeper. In this context it might be something between this and this.
And I was going to reduce it
Posted by dave on Sun, 05/30/2004 - 7:04pm.
And I was going to reduce it to "the bloke (or chick of course) whos makes your coffee from the fancy machine"

I am sure that will upset someone who cares deeply for the profession ... but I don't drink coffee and thus don't care.

"Million to one chances happen nine times out of ten"
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