Stop looking at me like I'm crazy
Submitted by Saint on Mon, 03/01/2004 - 9:37am. Other
"I went to piss on Dad's grave, and these damn hillbillies clonked me on the head, put me in a gimp suit, and locked me in the basement of the brewery. And I think they stole my Christmas tree. Anyway, I just didn't feel like doing it all again."

--Me, at work. I normally try to keep myself out of it, but I feel this counts as an in-passing, because several coworkers did overhear me and give me the hairy eyeball trying to figure out what I was talking about.
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Posted by ParU on Sat, 03/06/2004 - 4:02pm.
You're supposed to 'fudge' it Saint. I know Eve has a few times. (The one I remember best was the one where she was saying that men only look at women's clothes to see if they can see breasts). But, in addition, HUH???
It's Amino world without Chemists
I was explaining to a friend
Posted by Saint on Sun, 03/07/2004 - 9:56am.
I was explaining to a friend why I hadn't gotten very far yet on Postal 2.

Now that you know, doesn't that just spoil it?
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