January 16, 2004
Submitted by PurpleCow on Fri, 01/16/2004 - 11:03am. Um...
"You look like a Jack."
"What does that mean?"
"You look like Peter Pan."
"Peter Pan looks like he should be named Jack."
~My sister being weird and brother trying to figure out what the heck she's talking about.
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Posted by Saint on Fri, 01/16/2004 - 12:39pm.
Actually, I can totally see it...assuming she's talking about the boy in the new Peter Pan flick, and not the girls who've played Pan in the past, or Robin Williams. Jack is the name for impish, not-gonna-grow-up males. Think of Jack Nicholson, or all the pirates of history and film named Jack. It just has a roguish air to it. Which is not necessarily a compliment to your brother, but it's not an insult, either.
Posted by Inuki on Fri, 01/16/2004 - 4:42pm.
Or what about Jack and the Beanstalk? It's the most common fairy-tale name. I don't remember where I heard that, but it sounds right to me.
Posted by Apple on Mon, 01/19/2004 - 6:25pm.
That explains a lot about my dad.


No, I don't want to hear any AppleJacks references, in any way, in any form. None.

Tim, I'm looking in your direction!
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