Maybe it was the Poopsmith...
Submitted by paul on Mon, 11/17/2003 - 11:14pm. Funny
Seen on Huguenot Road: a car with a license plate that said CPROLYT passing another than said MANU R.

The only thing I could fit to that first plate was "coprolyte", which is an archaeology term for fossilized feces. They're often studied to determine the diet of the person or animal who left them. Why someone would want that on their car is beyond me, but then so is having "manure" as a vanity plate...

I really really hope I'm misinterpreting them.
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You rule!
Posted by spyderqueen on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 5:56am.
A HSR reference. Very cool.

--'Tebri mir-asihntose. Et vokala banana keronse.'
Isn't caprolyte
Posted by tim on Tue, 11/18/2003 - 5:09am.
the Virginia state motto or something??
just kidding
__ " ...And Mr. Stiggs is trying to kill fish with his mind..."
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