Submitted by Inuki on Sat, 10/04/2003 - 12:36pm. Funny
"I wanted marijuana, not a f-ing letter!" - A guy checking his mailbox. (My censoring.)

Ah, college.
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The token drug dealer who sat
Posted by Obsidiana on Mon, 10/06/2003 - 4:16pm.
The token drug dealer who sat at my lunch table in high school used to get lots of prescription drugs (especially valium) and ecstacy through the mail, then sell them to kids at school for a few bucks per pill. Ah, the joys of Catholic school...
Posted by steff on Sun, 10/05/2003 - 8:42am.
a guy i know used to get 'shrooms through the mail - maybe he just needs to change his focus slightly.

but, yeah. still pretty much guaranteed he's not getting any.
Matter of interpretation
Posted by Inuki on Sun, 10/05/2003 - 11:53am.
I just took it as he'd have rather found pot than a letter, not that he was particularly expecting pot. It amused me a lot, though.
Dang postal system
Posted by Kris the Girl on Sat, 10/04/2003 - 12:50pm.
Poor guy--not only would pot have to go through USPS, it would also have to go through the campus mail system! Cruel, cruel world! He'll never get any. Pot, that is.

Posted by Saint on Sun, 10/05/2003 - 7:31am.
If he's dumb enough to ask for his pot to be shipped through the mail, then...yeah, he's probably never gonna get any, period.
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