Posted by Anne Onymous on Sat, 12/16/2000 - 3:18pm.
Archived comment by Mike:
Maybe a woman could get away with playing with random kids on their own level, but if *I* did that, it would be maybe three seconds before I got arrested as a suspected pedophile. It's "Pied Piper" syndrome or something: strange adult males are *not* allowed to just spontaneously mingle and play with children. Hell, after a while, the parents of one of those kids in the original comment probably dragged their kid away. "Don't touch those! They're filled with his breath... he's probably been smoking the marijuana or something!"

The really sad thing about this little tirade is that I'm not feeling *especially* negative today... this is just the way I *am*. :^)
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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