Posted by Anne Onymous on Wed, 02/06/2002 - 7:57pm.
Archived comment by slugbuggy:
If you were I, or me, that would put a really neurotic twist on some of the previous threads. I might mutter to myself on occasion, but that's all. Sorry to appropriate "evil porpoises," that's yours, but "snarky dolphins" wouldn't have made sense. I could see how someone might think that my use of a phrase you've used might be some kind of "clue" as to any alias I (or you) might be using, which I'm not, the fact that "slugbuggy" isn't my given name notwithstanding.

I could only find one post under the pontifical appellation anyway, there might be one or two more. Then a long stretch of no posting, then the appearance of slugbuggy. Something about the name change must have induced postaholic tendencies. Ahem.

I did however see some names I don't think I've seen lately, either: Somnambulist, NinjaRap, and Ouijibug, but I could be wrong.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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