Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 02/20/2001 - 5:10pm.
Archived comment by triticale:
1) Most food expiration dates are nothing more than \'quality starts to fade after:...\' dates. The only exceptions would be bread and animal protein products. I consume significant amounts of packaged food scavenged from the dumpsters of food brokers and chips from a vending firm. I once many years ago brought home many cases of cream soda from a dumpster; the children of the household remember it fondly.

2)Does anyone here remember real Coca-Cola from before the New Coke fiasco? I\'ve met one other person who agrees with me that a wintergreen component of the flavor (I believe this to be the coca leaves) was replaced by something more citrus.

3)Not everyone who drinks sugar-free soda is doing so to diet. My wife (who drinks diet Cherry Coke and diet Pepsi but not vice versa) and daughter-in-law are both diabetic and have no choice but to order the diet drinks with their non-diet meals.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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