Posted by Anne Onymous on Tue, 02/20/2001 - 12:59pm.
Archived comment by Milo:
Yes, actually, Tab does sometimes still exist. I say sometimes, cause I seem to find it every once in a while in a grocery store somewhere. There will be 40 cases of each of the other sodas, you know, the ones that they advertise, and 2 cases of Tab. It\'s like the store manager promised some sweet little old lady that loves Tab that as long as she shops there, they\'ll always have Tab, and now as the shit gets harder and harder to get a hold of he keeps hoping she\'ll switch to Diet Coke, or die, but the crazy old Tab drinking witch keeps coming in and buying her Tab and chatting his damn ear off about how nice it is that he still stocks it, and none of the other stores do, and she could just switch to Coke, but she\'s watching her figure, and he\'s thinking \"WHY? For the love of God you\'re 137 years old and no one is going to care if you watch your shriveled, wrinkly old figure or not and I have to keep ordering two cases of Tab each month and.... and.. um.... oh, sorry.
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Anne Onymous
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