Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 02/19/2001 - 9:02pm.
Archived comment by Mike:
Uh, what's with all the (back- or fore-?) slashes?

Matt, I think they can use Nutrasweet again. It's been proven safe for rats, so it's good enough for human consumption. Of course, rats can drink seawater, too.

When I first came to college, I was surprised to see Fanta served in the local restaurants. Where I'm from, Fanta had been prevalent back when I was a kid, but had mysteriously disappeared; every once in a while, you'll find a faded old aluminum can with the Fanta logo. Brimming over with nostalgia for my lost youth, I ordered a super-size cup of strawberry Fanta... and it sucked. Absolutely the worst soda I've ever tasted. No wonder they're hovering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Reliving your childhood memories sucks.
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Anne Onymous
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