Posted by Anne Onymous on Thu, 02/08/2001 - 10:56am.
Archived comment by Mike:
Withdrawal was as it always is-- clumsy, badly timed, and really really distracting. I wouldn't advise it as an effective method of control.

Um, if you're still reading this, then I'd just like to say that combining the chili and nacho cheese would be a real time-saver. It all goes down the same tube anyway-- why not go together? Find some way to inject it directly into your arteries and you can skip the digestive tract entirely!

Seriously, though, some foods that you wouldn't expect to go together do so very well. It wasn't until I was about fourteen that I realized that hot pizza and mint chocolate chip ice cream complement one another perfectly. And it prevents roof burn, too!

Hmm, did I honestly mean that, or am I just saying it to see if you'll try it? (*evil grin*) Bwahahaha!
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Anne Onymous
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