Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 02/05/2001 - 8:26am.
Archived comment by Bryan:
Aren't Tom Collinses meant to be summer drinks?

That's the reason Everclear is usually mixed with fruit juices ect. I can't imagine getting drunk on mead(or drinking it for that matter); it's way too sweet for my taste.

Speaking of's why I got drunk this weekend...Even after 6 beers and 3 shots of vodka I was doing reasonably well...then I got the bright idea to try the punch(next morning I found out it was spiked with Everclear) ...2 glasses later and and I fell down the steps of the Frat House as I was "walking" out. Made it back to my room ok...didn't puke or pass out and no bad hangover later that morning.
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Anne Onymous
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