Posted by Anne Onymous on Sun, 02/04/2001 - 4:43pm.
Archived comment by Eve:
Regarding Terry's comment about "Simplemente Irresistible..."

Uhhhh... Umm... *sheepish look*
I think there should be a breathalyzer test on my login to this site. :-)

Kids, this is what happens when you:
1.) Give into peer pressure from your friends about how wrong it was to dis American Pie
2.) Decide to rectify the situation that instant.
3.) Party with people who have laptops handy, and
3.) Attempt to think of a crappy teeneybopper movie while drunk well after 3am.

Frankly, I was so damn amazed that I could write html under those conditions that I didn't bother noticing that I hadn't seen the movie, I don't think it's about high school, and wasn't in English.
But, er, I think I'm going to leave it, 'cause it amuses me.
Your name:
Anne Onymous
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