Posted by Anne Onymous on Mon, 12/25/2000 - 2:02am.
Archived comment by Luscious:
My spouse used to work as a maid for a few frat houses in Colorado, and that job inspired her burning hatred of the Greek system- which still sparks up now and then over 10 years later...

Perhaps the female Greeks would be less condescending, petty, and mean than the male Greeks, but I kind of doubt it. Apparently the male Greeks my wife dealt with treated her as a servant either beneath their notice or as a slave expressly put on Earth to do her bidding, neither of which was worth the minimum wage she was being paid to clean up puke, smashed windows, and spoiled kids' garbage.

In the past 11 years of Berkeley living, I've had very few positive frat-boy experiences- the only good ones have come after our amateur sports team earned their respect in the old street hockey intermural league. Before we beat them, they were snickering and carrying on, but after we won a couple of games, we all got along great. Weird how that happens, huh?

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Anne Onymous
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